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Energy Star Certification

Energy Star Certification 

Energy Star Energy Star is the one led by the U.S. government, mainly for consumer electronics products, energy conservation programs. The Energy Star Program started in 1992 bythe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the aim is to reduce energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. This program is not a forced, spontaneous with the manufacturers of this plan, you can affix the label of Energy Star qualified products. The first products with this plan, mainly computers and other informationappliances, and then gradually extended to the motors, office equipment, lighting, appliances and so on. Later extended to the construction, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyin 1996 to actively promote the Energy Star Buildings program, to assist the voluntary participation of industry to assess their building energy use (including lighting, air conditioning, office equipment, etc.) by the EPD, the planning of the building the matter of energy efficiency improvement action plans and follow-up work, so that some can find the energy Star logoimport environmentally friendly new concept of a home or business building.


ENERGY STAR qualified products (Energy Star):

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning products
Families and building sealing products (home insulation package, roof reflectance materials, doors, windows and skylights)
Lighting products
Office equipment (computers, copiers and fax machines, digital copying machine, the external power adapter, laptop computers, monitors, printers, play scanner, and integrated devices, water coolers)
Other products (battery charging system, exit signs, external power adapter, traffic lights, transformers, vending machines, water coolers)
Appliances (washing machines, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, freezers and refrigerators, home air conditioning)
Commercial food preparation equipment (fryers, hot food in full bloom cabinet commercial hot food holding cabinets On the three-dimensional door refrigerators and freezers, steam cookers)
Household appliances (battery charging system, the digital to analog converter box, wireless phones, TV / VCR, and TV / DVD combination devices, DVD products, the external poweradapter, home audio equipment, televisions, VCRs,)

The Energy Star certification process, (energy star):
1, customer to inquire BOTO
2, BOTO provide Energy Star certification information and application forms
3, the application providers to fill out the application form (submit manufacturer information)
4, to submit samples and product information
5, the sample for laboratory testing
6, test data and related documents submitted to the department in charge of the Energy Star
7, for approval, Energy Star sent a letter
8, affixed to the Energy Star label

Energy-saving lamps Energy Star reference standard:
Compact Fluorescent Lamps to apply for Energy Star certified reference standard as follows:

ANSI C78.5--1997 Specifications for Performance of Self-Ballasted Compacted Fluorescent Lamps
ANSI C78.375--1997 Guide for Electrical Measurements of Fluorescent Lamps 
ANSI/IEEE C62.41--1991 Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits, Recommended Practice for CFLS
IESNA LM-65--1991 Life Testing of Single-ended Compact Fluorescent Lamps
IESNA LM-66--1991 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Single-CFLS
UL1993--1993 Standard for Self-Ballasted Lamps and Lamp Adapters
FCC 47 CFR Part 18 EMI Requirements